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Re: Informal survey (was Re: Banner ads)

> > Perhaps an informal poll of contributors to the LDP would be
> > informative.  You might be surprised by the results (or maybe you'd
> > just prove that I'm off-base).
> You sir, are a trouble maker.

Sometimes there needs to be a trouble maker.  I agree completely with
Jim's sentiment as well as Kendall's.  This "core team" business is
silly.  Marketing the LDP is silly.  

Sure, if LDP members are already going to be at a trade show or 
conference, then fine, let them get the free booth that's available
(and for projects like this they always exist) and annoy RH or VA
or someone to print off some flyers to hand out.  But to turn this
into something that needs to raise money to support traveling to
market is silly.  A good free software project will "sell" itself
if it fills a real need.

You folks are going off the deep end (and I'm addressing the "core
team" here) with issues that just don't matter.  The most important
thing that this project needs is *maintainership*, not leadership.
Fix the *technical* issues that still exist (submissions, tracking,
etc) and forget about all this other crap.


  Donnie Barnes  http://www.donniebarnes.com  djb@donniebarnes.com  "Bah."
   Challenge Diversity.  Ignore People.  Live Life.  Use Linux.  879. V. 
    "They say that nobody is perfect. Then they tell you practice makes 
      perfect. I wish they'd make up their minds." -- Wilt Chamberlain

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